Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Auton B & B

A big breakfast is not promised at this B&B. The comfort of the guest bed may be questionable. Scheduled activities and afternoon snack may include homework and gummies. However, one thing that can be assured that will take place in this B&B are Baseball & Ballet!

Jamie and I realized tonight that we have entered the realm of parenting that includes school and after school activities! Life is officially NOT slowing down! Jake is feeling the heat of Fall Baseball! Practice tonight revealed two things: he still loves baseball and his team has received word that they are the Braves!

Nati Grace never thought twice about jumping right in at her first ballet class! When her class was finished, she ran out the door, gave me a kiss and declared, "Mommy I know everything about ballet!"

"You do?" I asked.

"Mommy, yes! Everything they taught me, now I know it!" She'll be dancing with the Atlanta Ballet by October!

Jamie also had a first tonight. He put on an Atlanta Braves hat for the first time! Oh, the sacrifices that you will make for your children. He he he!

"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; The fruit of the womb is a reward." ~Psalm 127:3

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