Friday, May 8, 2009

Nati's Knots Blog

I have a new blog set up. It's not up and running completely yet, but I hope it will be by the end of next week. Don't worry... this is still my personal blog. My new blog will be solely for the purpose of Nati's Knots. Take a look and enjoy.. when it's done!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Lord's Supper... Jake Style!

Thought you would enjoy Jake's thoughts that he had on communion this morning. First, he has bad allergies. Secondly, he is a new believer. Third, he's the PK. He thought he would join the three together!

This morning while getting ready for school I was giving Jake his daily dose of Claritin. He quickly asked, "Mom, this isn't the Benadryl stuff I had to take yesterday, is it?"

Benadryl does to Jake like it does to most of us... puts him in lala land and he sleeps for a couple of hours. But, since he was having serious allergy issues yesterday, I knew the Benadryl would be a quick help.

"No, it isn't Bendadryl. Why?" I asked and nothing could prepare me for his answer. "Well, I was just thinking that the next time we have the Lord's Supper at church, we could give everybody Benadryl. It looks like blood and everyone will feel real good after they drink it! Then, Daddy wouldn't have to preach because they would all be asleep."

So, beware of the Communion Cup!