Monday, August 11, 2008

Mrs. Who?

Last Thursday was "Sneak-a-Peek" day at Jake's school. He was able to go meet his new teacher and see his classroom. Wonderful thing for student and parents alike! His teacher was quick to introduce herself as Mrs. Ramsey. Jake was able to talk with her for a few minutes and after filling out a few papers, we were done and headed back to the car.

Jamie asked Jake what he thought of his new teacher and he quickly responded, "I think she is at least a little bit of a Tar Heel."

Confused, we both asked why he thought such a thing (considering there was plenty of Georgia Bulldog things in her classroom). With a look of unbelief, Jake clarified, "Daddy, her name is Mrs. Rameses!"

Hopefully everything is straight and today she will be just Mrs. Ramsey.

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6

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