Tuesday, October 28, 2008

School Days

School pictures are always exciting to get back! As I opened both envelopes of pictures, hoping they were good, I found myself going back to my own school days. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was smiling for my first grade pictures? It couldn't have been more than a week ago that I was brushing my hair with the little black combs that they gave out as I stood in line to get my picture made.

No matter how silly the pictures looked, my parents always commented something like this, "What a cute picture! You have grown so much since last year!"

Well, I opened the envelope of both Jake and Nati Grace's school pictures and found myself saying, "What a cute picture! You have grown so much since last year!" Wow! I sound just like my mother and probably most mothers alive. Oh, how quickly a year goes by.
It is a reminder that time waits for no man. My prayer is that I do not wish away days, waste moments for memories to be made, and that I cherish my days with my husband and children. For tomorrow, I will wake up and find that 20 years has passed. God has given me today, this week, this month and this year to love my family, encourage others, and make a difference for Christ.
I hope my children look back on their school pictures and say, "God did a lot in my life that year!"
"Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth..." Ecclesiastes 12:1a
Jake, First Grade

Nati Grace, Preschool (4 year)

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