"Would you like to feed the goats?" The nice lady at the North Georgia State Fair waited for Nati Grace's answer to her question and Jamie and I both were sure the answer would be no. But, we did not impose and let her answer for herself. We thought this would be a cute photo moment to remember her first field trip in preschool.
Beyond our belief, she accepted the goat food and walked right up to the cutest little black goat. Nati Grace stretched out her little hand as the goat stuck its head as far out of the fence as it possibly could and then came a goat tongue reaching as close to the hand holding food. That poor little goat struggled for about 3 minutes to lick the food out of Nati Grace's hand. If Nati Grace would have just stretched her arm out about one more inch, that cute goat could've had a yummy snack.
Instead, Nati Grace looked at us and declared, "I don't know why he isn't eating the food. I think he's just not hungry."
Poor Goat! I have to say though, Jamie and I were proud of Nati Grace's "effort" anyway.
"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another,as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats..." ~Matthew 25:32
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